Nothing really changed for us this end, just the reality that our hospitality business really has gone now. In a way this has inspired me to finally admit that it's over and apply for work. Fingers crossed I get the job because my health really is suffering now from not eating properly and possibly the psychological effects of lockdown too.
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"publishedBy": "rOISUynFBNUZFrEibOysifH0R9F2",
"video_response": {
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"answers": [
"text": "Nothing really changed for us this end, just the reality that our hospitality business really has gone now. In a way this has inspired me to finally admit that it's over and apply for work. Fingers crossed I get the job because my health really is suffering now from not eating properly and possibly the psychological effects of lockdown too.",
"created_at": "2021-01-06T18:36:23.901685Z",
"question": "What does this new lockdown mean for you?",
"type": "text"
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
"text": "Yes, please share it",
"created_at": "2021-01-06T18:36:27.390922Z",
"type": "poll"
"question_title": "What does this new lockdown mean for you?",
"type": "text",
"text": "Nothing really changed for us this end, just the reality that our hospitality business really has gone now. In a way this has inspired me to finally admit that it's over and apply for work. Fingers crossed I get the job because my health really is suffering now from not eating properly and possibly the psychological effects of lockdown too.",
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"audited": 1628500530573,
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"alias": "Che G",
"random": 19,
"objectID": "1RzlkyTcXAjy3MdmWOyN"
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