Our zines

We make collage artworks to express our thoughts and experiences and bring them together in collectively made zines (DIY, self-published magazines)

Reflections on our Participatory Research

A collective zine made with Covid Realities participants, researchers  and close colleagues about the methods and approaches we took to working together between 2020 - 2022.

This zine was funded by UKRI.

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Doing participatory research – reflecting back and looking forward

We made this zine together. We are participants, researchers and close friends of Changing Realities, a major research programme documenting the experiences of parents and carers living on a low income.

This zine is our way of sharing our learning from doing participatory research together. We do this work in a variety of ways; online diaries, asking and responding to ‘big questions’ of the week and taking part in discussion groups on Zoom.

We came together in online workshops to reflect on what participatory research means to us, and to discuss our advice for others who want to do this kind of work. We share our reflections with you all in this zine.

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Doing It Together: An (un) guide to making zines with people

Made in collaboration with artist Jean McEwan to share our learnings about making zines together as part of Covid Realities. This un(guide) will be of interest to anyone thinking of using zines in their own work and practice.

Doing It Together was funded by UKRI. Covid Realities is a Nuffield Foundation funded project.

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Hope Starts Here

Our zine artwork for our new campaign, Hope Starts Here.

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It’s Our Story: Families’ Lived experience during the Pandemic

A collective zine made by participants in Covid Realities, exploring challenges and stresses of living through the pandemic as well as what needs to change and why.

Covid Realities was a collaboration between parents and carers, the universities of York and Birmingham, and Child Poverty Action Group. It was funded by the Nuffield Foundation, and this zine was additionally supported by the ESRC.

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