I do support the use of lockdowns to combat virus spreading, I don't support their mismanagement (such as being lifted too early this making the while affair wasteful or being applicable only to those who can't afford the fines associated with not following the rules) and I've taken lockdowns very seriously (I'd rather be unhappy and plagued by painful memories for a short time then catch the virus and have my children face a world without me there to love them long term) but it is hard not being able to go out for the distractions I once so heavily replied upon to help me heal from trauma. It's unlikely also that, even after the virus is gone, that I'll be able to use those same distractions as regularly due to financial stresses and strains of universal credit. My birthday treat for today instead shall be a bottle of wine I received last Christmas and saved knowing I'd have no money this spring. And my sweet children trying to give me a relaxing day where I can have a long bath and lots of cuddles.