Q. What does the weakening of restrictions mean for you and your family?
Little things are making a difference.
The garden relaxation two weeks ago was a big help. The children can have garden play dates, and I can meet other mums without us constantly having to run after wandering children.
I’m not fussed by the pubs opening, but I’m looking forward to being able to buy clothes/books/toys from the charity shops when they open.
I’m also hopeful that playgroups might start opening up soon too.
My daughter is desperate for the swimming pool to open, and I’m hoping the library won’t be too much longer.
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"question": "What does the weakening of restrictions mean for you and your family?",
"text": "Little things are making a difference.\n\nThe garden relaxation two weeks ago was a big help. The children can have garden play dates, and I can meet other mums without us constantly having to run after wandering children.\n\nI’m not fussed by the pubs opening, but I’m looking forward to being able to buy clothes/books/toys from the charity shops when they open.\n\nI’m also hopeful that playgroups might start opening up soon too.\n\nMy daughter is desperate for the swimming pool to open, and I’m hoping the library won’t be too much longer.",
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"created_at": "2021-04-10T13:11:57.225940Z"
"created_at": "2021-04-10T13:11:59.083077Z",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
"type": "poll",
"text": "Yes, please share it"
"text": "Little things are making a difference.\n\nThey garden relaxation two weeks ago was a big help. The children can have garden play dates, and I can meet other mums without us constantly having to run after wandering children.\n\nI’m not fussed by the pubs opening, but I’m looking forward to being able to buy clothes/books/toys from the charity shops when they open.\n\nI’m also hopeful that playgroups might start opening up soon too. \n\nMy daughter is desperate for the swimming pool to open, and I’mhoping the library won’t be too much longer."
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"alias": "Nellie K",
"random": 45,
"objectID": "3V72JMdw79jdpVdJkQIg"
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