Hi again, a retrospective entry from me. The biggest question for me is what could the government have done to make things easier, a lot clearer with their information. They could have made a lot better decisions earlier on. Stop using our children as political pawns. Stop using people's commitment and dedication, such as teachers, such as shop workers ,such as healthcare professionals, as a political tool. It's absolutely disgusting. My hopes and fears; hopes for the lockdown were that people would listen and that we would see a lockdown. And fears were that we wouldn't and those fears were realised. My overwhelming feeling was of tremendous loneliness.
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"transcription": "Hi again, a retrospective entry from me. The biggest question for me is what could the government have done to make things easier, a lot clearer with their information. They could have made a lot better decisions earlier on. Stop using our children as political pawns. Stop using people's commitment and dedication, such as teachers, such as shop workers ,such as healthcare professionals, as a political tool. It's absolutely disgusting. My hopes and fears; hopes for the lockdown were that people would listen and that we would see a lockdown. And fears were that we wouldn't and those fears were realised. My overwhelming feeling was of tremendous loneliness.",
"type": "audio",
"question": "What does this new lockdown mean for you?"
"text": "Yes, please share it",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
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"created_at": "2021-02-26T10:20:41.370381Z"
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"question_title": "What does this new lockdown mean for you?",
"type": "audio",
"transcription": "Hi again, a retrospective entry from me. The biggest question for me is what could the government have done to make things easier a lot clearer with their information. They could have made a lot better decisions earlier on stop using our children as political pawns. Stop using people's commitment and dedication such as teachers such as shop workers such as Healthcare professionals.\n Channels as a political tool. It's absolutely disgusting. I had my hopes and fears hopes for the lockdown word that people would listen and that we would see a lockdown and fears were that we wouldn't and those fears were realized my overwhelming feeling was of tremendous loneliness."
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"alias": "Lois N",
"random": 71,
"objectID": "86otf9iAOx9gu4RUwf7S"
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