Chrissy N on 18 June 2021
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Q. Where do you live and how do you feel about it?
I live on a post war council housing estate, where a large number of houses are now private. It’s very green and was designed that way. As one of the first houses to be built, I have a larger than average garden, and in my little bit of the estate, it’s one of the smaller gardens. I’m also fortunate to live 5 minutes from large parkland, and beyond that there’s open fields. My garden is my sanctuary. I have a physical disability and do struggle with aspects of gardening, such as mowing the lawn. And I lost my gardener at the start of the pandemic, as he couldn’t run his business as Covid safe. That means I have to manage the hedges and lawn with the help of my partner, who moved here from his flat in Manchester, 6 weeks before lockdown. I know having that outdoor space was such an advantage, during the pandemic. I have somewhere outdoors to exercise and enjoy the fruits of my labours - literally as I grow soft fruit and have raised beds for vegetables and herbs. For weeks it was the only outside world I had as I shielded for months.
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