Q. Have you had any problems in getting tested or self-isolating?
We are currently in isolation. As I do not own a car or motorcycle I cannot visit a test centre. I have so far had 4 postal tests.
If I was required to buy food, then there are not only simply difficulties with booking a slot for delivery but we would need to consider the costs involved. My family do not live too far away. They themselves are elderly, vulnerable and without a car. I would not expect them to help. Sadly this could mean the rules were broken if I had to feed my family during isolation. Single parents have had to make many difficult decisions. It is not easy living in poverty during the pandemic.
"video_response": {
"answers": [
"created_at": "2021-01-31T16:47:12.155563Z",
"question": "First up, are you a lone parent?",
"text": "Yes",
"type": "poll"
"question": "Have you had any problems in getting tested or self-isolating?",
"text": "We are currently in isolation. As I do not own a car or motorcycle I cannot visit a test centre. I have so far had 4 postal tests. \nIf I was required to buy food, then there are not only simply difficulties with booking a slot for delivery but we would need to consider the costs involved. My family do not live too far away. They themselves are elderly, vulnerable and without a car. I would not expect them to help. Sadly this could mean the rules were broken if I had to feed my family during isolation. Single parents have had to make many difficult decisions. It is not easy living in poverty during the pandemic.",
"type": "text",
"created_at": "2021-01-31T17:01:31.670600Z"
"type": "poll",
"created_at": "2021-01-31T17:01:34.360607Z",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
"text": "Yes, please share it"
"question_share_id": "ftrowd7dd",
"text": "We are currently in isolation. As I do not own a car or motorcycle I cannot visit a test centre. I have so far had 4 postal tests. \nIf I was required to buy food, then there are not only simply difficulties with booking a slot for delivery but we would need to consider the costs involved. My family do not live too far away. They themselves are elderly, vulnerable and without a car. I would not expect them to help. Sadly this could mean the rules were broken if I had to feed my family during isolation. Single parents have had to make many difficult decisions. It is not easy living in poverty during the pandemic.",
"type": "text",
"question_thumb": "https://media.videoask.com/transcoded/c6848bd3-c4ad-4568-ae6d-298b5a0532b8/thumbnails/preview.gif",
"question_title": "Have you had any problems in getting tested or self-isolating?",
"mixed": true
"published": 1628412168674,
"auditedBy": "rOISUynFBNUZFrEibOysifH0R9F2",
"created": 1612112491670,
"id": "9y540wgcYXuPOCwLRxOx",
"updatedBy": "rOISUynFBNUZFrEibOysifH0R9F2",
"updated": 1628412189058,
"read": 1612745997292,
"user": "bmqT3mqqT0YGOzkfOYD1QERZlDo2",
"tags": [
"type": "video_response",
"audited": 1628412168674,
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"publishedBy": "rOISUynFBNUZFrEibOysifH0R9F2",
"privacy": 2,
"alias": "Aurora T",
"random": 29,
"objectID": "9y540wgcYXuPOCwLRxOx"
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