Q. What does Covid Realities mean to you right now?
My Covid reality right now is fear. We are supposed to be loosening the restrictions but this is terrifying to me. We have been here before and it backfired then too, what happens if we get some freedom for it to be realised it was the wrong choice again?
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"question": "What does Covid Realities mean to you right now?"
"type": "poll",
"text": "Yes, please share it",
"created_at": "2021-03-29T23:46:48.335591Z",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?"
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"text": "My COVID reality right now is fear. We are supposed to be loosening the restrictions but this is terrifying to me. We have been here before and it backfired then too, what happens if we get some freedom for it to be realised it was the wrong choice again?",
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"question_title": "What does Covid Realities mean to you right now?"
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