Q. What does the weakening of restrictions mean for you and your family?
I'm excited!!! I saw my Dad for the first time since November (door stop visit on my birthday) last time we sat down together for a hug and chat was June last year. It meant so much for my daughters to spend time with Grandad. I'm looking forward to wondering round the shops, zoos, parks, theme parks, family days out. Having a drink in the pub with friends or family. I have every hope that normality will resume and the lockdowns are over. Fingers crossed. Stay safe 🙏 ❤
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"answers": [
"text": "I'm excited!!! I saw my Dad for the first time since November (door stop visit on my birthday) last time we sat down together for a hug and chat was June last year. It meant so much for my daughters to spend time with Grandad. I'm looking forward to wondering round the shops, zoos, parks, theme parks, family days out. Having a drink in the pub with friends or family. I have every hope that normality will resume and the lockdowns are over. Fingers crossed. Stay safe 🙏 ❤",
"question": "What does the weakening of restrictions mean for you and your family?",
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"created_at": "2021-04-12T11:15:50.510759Z"
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
"text": "Yes, please share it",
"type": "poll",
"created_at": "2021-04-12T11:15:55.192629Z"
"question_title": "What does the weakening of restrictions mean for you and your family?",
"type": "text",
"text": "I'm excited!!! I saw my Dad for the first time since November (door stop visit on my birthday) last time we sat down together for a hug and chat was June last year. It meant so much for my daughters to spend time with Grandad. I'm looking forward to wondering round the shops, zoos, parks, theme parks, family days out. Having a drink in the pub with friends or family. I have every hope that normality will resume and the lockdowns are over. Fingers crossed. Stay safe 🙏 ❤"
"published": 1628259118162,
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"alias": "Lizzie W",
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