Q. What does the weakening of restrictions mean for you and your family?
Does not really change much for us. As a nurse I am still working my 2 part time jobs. The biggest change is the children being allowed to return to their hobbies.
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"text": "Does not really change much for us. As a nurse I am still working my 2 part time jobs. The biggest change is the children being allowed to return to their hobbies.",
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"question": "What does the weakening of restrictions mean for you and your family?"
"created_at": "2021-04-14T18:23:17.320951Z",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
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"text": "Does not really change much for us. As a nurse I am still working my 2 part time jobs. The biggest change is the children being allowed to return to their hobbies.",
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