Lois N on 22 July 2021
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Q. Do you get free school meals and what difference do they make?
My son is on free school meals although he often prefers sandwiches or a packed lunch to take to school. But for us in terms of holidays and when we've been on lockdown, the free school meal vouchers make a big difference. And I know that at school if he wants to have a school meal then he can do and there's no issue with that. And what that does is just takes the pressure off me in terms of trying to find the money to sort out his lunches. And sometimes, you know, if you get extras, you're able to sort of eek those out over the week, which is fantastic. We're really lucky this time that we've also received vouchers for a supermarket which just takes so much pressure off me financially. I think a lot of people think free school meals means that you're not managing. I do think that a lot of people are very down and free school meals but in actual fact, all of our kids deserve the same start. So they make a big, big difference to us and hopefully we'll be able to continue the voucher scheme throughout the holidays. Again, makes a big difference that doesn't half pressure on you when you're trying to do weekly shop and you're trying to do it without saying no to everything. So free school meals for us is a big, big deal and particularly as the voucher schemes have run through the holidays, couldn't have done without it.
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