Nellie K on 26 November 2020

We had to test my youngest again (3rd time in 3 months) so we’re self-isolating as a family. School sent work for my daughter to do, but we couldn’t access it as my husband uses the computer for his work. Pretty pointless really. Thankfully the results came back quickly (negative) and she only missed a day. Not sure what will happen if she has to isolate for longer at any point. School sent round a questionnaire, and we told them we only had one laptop which is used for work, but they don’t seem to have acted on it. I’m personally not too bothered as it’s only reception and she’s bright and ahead anyway, but I did get a nagging email from her teacher stressing how important it was she did the work set, even after I explained about the computer situation. It’s also assumed we have a printer (we do but it doesn’t always have ink or paper). It’s a very middle class school, I think there are only about 10 children in the entire school (single form entry) on pupil premium, so it just doesn’t enter into their heads that not everyone has all these things.

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