Q. What impact will this new lockdown have on you and your family?
Not much will change for us while the kids are still going to school... I am still going to work (on my own in an office) and my partner is still working too. We were not having many playdates for the children outside of our bubble to reduce contact with other people, maybe once or twice a fortnight so that will stop. But we are fortunate to bubble with my friend and her daughter which has been a massive help as we have always supported each other and life was tricky until they introduced the bubbles. We are already planning for a digital Christmas. Work is interesting for me as we've had to juggle the calendar about for customers who are isolating or can't travel due to lockdown.
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"question": "Do you live in England?"
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"question": "What impact will this new lockdown have on you and your family?",
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"text": "Not much will change for us while the kids are still going to school... I am still going to work (on my own in an office) and my partner is still working too. We were not having many playdates for the children outside of our bubble to reduce contact with other people, maybe once or twice a fortnight so that will stop. But we are fortunate to bubble with my friend and her daughter which has been a massive help as we have always supported each other and life was tricky until they introduced the bubbles. We are already planning for a digital Christmas. Work is interesting for me as we've had to juggle the calendar about for customers who are isolating or can't travel due to lockdown."
"text": "Yes, please share it",
"type": "poll",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
"created_at": "2020-11-06T22:00:37.900281Z"
"question_title": "What impact will this new lockdown have on you and your family?",
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