Hattie C on 21 March 2021
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Q. How has your children’s mental health been impacted by the pandemic?
My eldest son is 16 and the pandemic and home learning has impacted him the most for the last few months (i.e.) lockdown 3 his mental health has declined he hardly ever left his bedroom didn’t want to get out of bed or even have a shower however now school has re opened he seems to be getting a little more like his old self again after spending time socialising with his school friends. My 3 youngest it hasn’t affected that much as all 3 have continued to go to school as I’m a key worker. My little girl who is 7 really missed her best friend at school but is happy now there all in again. My other 2 boys aged 11 and 9 just take everything in the stride however they're really looking forward to being back at football at the end of the month.
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