Syeda F on 09 March 2021
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Q. What did you think about the new budget? Thoughts on the £20 uplift extension, or what was missing?
Hi I think the £20 "uplift" had to happen because we are still in a Lockdown situation and this will only ease gradually. But what I object to is the hanging on - it was left right until the last minute almost. This isn't helpful. The longer I am on Universal Credit the more and more it feels like a game. I am now having to keep more of a careful eye on expenditure - not just day to day stuff either. Contracts for things like my phone (essential, nothing flashy), my utilities (going up in April) etc all have to be budgeted for. And with schools going back I was dreading having to buy new clothes. I didn't have to in the end. It doesn't help if you are having to wait until the last minute to be able to know the extra money will stay or you have to look at something else to cut out of the limited funds.
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