Meg T on 31 December 2021

It's New Year's Eve and I've woken up to one of my worst nightmares. I expected to find that my child tax credits and carers allowance had been paid. On firing up my banking app there was a notification that payments into the account were delayed - the worst possible news when you've got payments due out out that can potentially affect your credit score. I hate having to live on such a knife edge. It's it's a constant source of chronic stress. If I could work, I would work, but being disabled with a chronic in curable neurological condition, Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy AKA DCM makes it difficult enough just to run my household let alone hold down a job as well. PS for those that don't know, neurological conditions affect 1 in 6 of the UK population; my particular condition affects 1 in 50 and is the most common spinal cord injury that no one, including medical professionals, has ever heard of. This makes it even more difficult to access the correct care and financial support needed.

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