Q. Have you had any problems in getting tested or self-isolating?
I have had to access a test but it was really fast the results were a long time though self isolating is a lot harder accessing food and supplies is very difficult and ended up being very expensive
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"video_response": {
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"text": "I have had to access a test but it was really fast the results were a long time though self. isolating is a lot harder accessing food and supplies is very difficult and ended up being very expensive",
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"question": "First up, are you a lone parent?",
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"created_at": "2021-02-21T18:22:37.229678Z",
"type": "poll"
"text": "I have had to access a test but it was really fast the results were a long time though self isolating is a lot harder accessing food and supplies is very difficult and ended up being very expensive",
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"created_at": "2021-02-21T18:24:17.236300Z",
"question": "Have you had any problems in getting tested or self-isolating?"
"text": "Yes, please share it",
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"created_at": "2021-02-21T18:24:20.059240Z",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?"
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"question_title": "Have you had any problems in getting tested or self-isolating?"
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"alias": "Enzo J",
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