Hi, Mel, what I would like to ask the politicians is would they live the life we live? Would they like to walk in our shoes for not a day, but a month? Take nothing with them and live in our shoes for one whole month in November maybe when it's dark and cold and facing Christmas. Just walk that life. Would they do it? How do they think they would feel?
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"transcription": "Hi, Mel, what I would like to ask the politicians is would they live the life we live? Would they like to walk in our shoes for not a day, but a month? Take nothing with them and live in our shoes for one whole month in November maybe when it's dark and cold and facing Christmas. Just walk that life. Would they do it? How do they think they would feel?",
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"created_at": "2021-03-19T14:32:25.825040Z",
"question": "What would you ask or say to politicians?"
"text": "Yes, please share it",
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"created_at": "2021-03-19T14:32:29.235891Z",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?"
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"transcription": "Hi, Mel, what I would like to ask the politicians is would they live?\nThe life we live today like to walk in our shoes for another day, but a month take nothing with them and live in our shoes for one whole month in November maybe when it's dark and cold and Fierce and Christmas.\n Just walk that knife would they do it? How did I think they would fail?",
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"published": 1627988714454,
"alias": "Teddy W",
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