Georgie O on 19 August 2020

As I'm having a horrible week. My Daughter is on the very beginning of the pathway as she ticks the boxes of Asperguse and ADHD. She is vilant and aggressive at times to us. I do bealive that Covid life has created a worse and new side to her. She needs routine and her life back. We need help as she is now hurting herself at age 7 and is asking for help. As she is not dyanouses we can not get help. Kids on the pathway should have maybe been fast tracked as this new life is to hard for them and effects family live and everyone's mental health. My kids memory of this year I beleave will not just go away. This will have along term effect I'm my 7 year old and 2 year old as he is also at the blunt end to her frustration and decline in control. What help has there been for pearants with kids with additional needs?

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