Q. What does the weakening of restrictions mean for you and your family?
I am slightly anxious about the lifting of restrictions but from the point of view of suddenly the expectation to meet with everyone we haven’t seen for a long time.
I am looking forward to seeing friends and family again, some who I haven’t seen for months, but it’s still not normal times as the option to see people is outside. Currently it is freezing with snow showers so isn’t particularly appealing to want to sit in a garden and catch up with people.
I am already noticing improvements in my children’s well-being as they have more options for socialising so that can only be a good thing?!
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"video_response": {
"question_title": "What does the weakening of restrictions mean for you and your family?",
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"answers": [
"question": "What does the weakening of restrictions mean for you and your family?",
"text": "I am slightly anxious about the lifting of restrictions but from the point of view of suddenly the expectation to meet with everyone we haven’t seen for a long time.\n\nI am looking forward to seeing friends and family again, some who I haven’t seen for months, but it’s still not normal times as the option to see people is outside. Currently it is freezing with snow showers so isn’t particularly appealing to want to sit in a garden and catch up with people.\n\nI am already noticing improvements in my children’s well-being as they have more options for socialising so that can only be a good thing?!",
"created_at": "2021-04-12T20:12:08.761151Z",
"type": "text"
"text": "Yes, please share it",
"created_at": "2021-04-12T20:12:11.645480Z",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
"type": "poll"
"text": "I am slightly anxious about the lifting of restrictions but from the point of view of suddenly the expectation to meet with everyone we haven’t seen for a long time.\n\nI am looking forward to seeing friends and family again, some who I haven’t seen for months, but it’s still not normal times as the option to see people is outside. Currently it is freezing with snow showers so isn’t particularly appealing to want to sit in a garden and catch up with people.\n\nI am already noticing improvements in my children’s well-being as they have more options for socialising so that can only be a good thing?!",
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"alias": "Connie G",
"random": 11,
"objectID": "ccTI0Nhq0lSFxS55vFja"
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