Q. Do your children normally receive means-tested Free School Meals?
Q. Have you received any support with food for your children since schools have been closed? And if you have, what was the support like?
I haven't received any food vouchers, but I have received free school meal payments from the government. But they were always paid in arrears so they were paid three weeks behind so it was bit of a struggle to make sure that there was enough food and the kids weren't going hungry all the time. But we just had to really tighten our belts and it's hard enough considering it's only after Christmas.
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"transcription": "I haven't received any food Fighters, but I have received free skill move mail payments from the government, but they were always paid on a rear so they repaired three weeks behind so it was bit of a struggle to make sure that there was enough food in the kids weren't going hungry all the time, but we just had to really take their belts and it's hard enough considering it's only after Christmas.",
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"answers": [
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"text": "Yes",
"created_at": "2021-02-09T11:21:22.018822Z",
"question": "Do your children normally receive means-tested Free School Meals?"
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"created_at": "2021-02-09T11:22:16.611656Z",
"transcription": "I haven't received any food vouchers, but I have received free school meal payments from the government. But they were always paid in arrears so they were paid three weeks behind so it was bit of a struggle to make sure that there was enough food and the kids weren't going hungry all the time. But we just had to really tighten our belts and it's hard enough considering it's only after Christmas.",
"question": "Have you received any support with food for your children since schools have been closed? And if you have, what was the support like?"
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
"text": "Yes, please share it",
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"created_at": "2021-02-09T11:22:20.079335Z"
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