Q. What impact will this new lockdown have on you and your family?
To be honest I'm a single mum who shares some childcare with my ex, plus I can have a bumble who is with a family what I work with plus I'm a driver for my mum nothing has really changed. I can still work but in a different format arty having to work more hours though to quickly get this done. Our food bank and boxes can still go out.
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"text": "To be honist arty I'm a single mum who shares some childcare with my ex, plus I can have a bumble who is with a family what I work with plus I'm a driver for my mum nothink has really changed. I can still work but in a differant format arty having to work more hours tho to quickly get this done. Our food bank and boxes can still go out.",
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"question_title": "What impact will this new lockdown have on you and your family?",
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"type": "poll",
"question": "Do you live in England?",
"created_at": "2020-11-05T11:22:14.465912Z"
"question": "What impact will this new lockdown have on you and your family?",
"created_at": "2020-11-05T11:24:55.570930Z",
"text": "To be honest I'm a single mum who shares some childcare with my ex, plus I can have a bumble who is with a family what I work with plus I'm a driver for my mum nothing has really changed. I can still work but in a different format arty having to work more hours though to quickly get this done. Our food bank and boxes can still go out.",
"type": "text"
"text": "Yes, please share it",
"type": "poll",
"created_at": "2020-11-05T11:24:57.816418Z",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?"
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