Q. What are your (and your kids') experiences of masks, and the rules around them?
My kids (3 and 7) have embraced wearing masks. It had become apart of our lives. My eldest understands why we wear them and why she is askes to wear them even though she knows she isn't askes to by the rules we are askes to adhere to. I think now it will be strange to not have to wear them.
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"video_response": {
"text": "My kids (3 and 7) have embarrassed wearing masks. It had become apart of our lives. \nMy eldest understands why we wear them and why she is askes to wear them even tho she knows she isn't askes to by the rules we are askes to ahear to. I think now it will be strange to not have to wear them.",
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"question_thumb": "https://media.videoask.com/transcoded/b7ae9a21-a50b-4832-830d-bb78c30092d6/thumbnails/preview.gif",
"question_title": "What are your (and your kids') experiences of masks, and the rules around them?",
"answers": [
"text": "My kids (3 and 7) have embraced wearing masks. It had become apart of our lives. My eldest understands why we wear them and why she is askes to wear them even though she knows she isn't askes to by the rules we are askes to adhere to. I think now it will be strange to not have to wear them.",
"type": "text",
"created_at": "2020-10-11T19:27:55.792082Z",
"question": "What are your (and your kids') experiences of masks, and the rules around them?"
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
"created_at": "2020-10-11T19:27:58.547095Z",
"text": "Yes, please share it",
"type": "poll"
"type": "text",
"mixed": false
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"audited": 1628673425394,
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"alias": "Georgie O",
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"objectID": "jqrzNio2dPgz2LE2bDOi"
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