Q. What impact have the restrictions been having on you and your family?
Four weeks at home alone with 2 children has been very tough. Everyday seems so long. Breakfast then snacks, lunch and dinner. A constant supply off dishes. The children are bored. I need to go to the supermarket but my daughter had to isolate. We get the basics at the petrol station but certain things we can only get at Tesco or Iceland. At the petrol station the prices are a lot higher. Its been a lot colder and we need the heating on. The kids get bored and fight a lot more. I want to have a bath alone but my son keeps getting in. I want to go to my mums for Sunday lunch and a bit of help with the kids but we aren't allowed. My daughter really misses her friends and cousins. I am not looking forward to this winter at all.
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"created": 1604917862010,
"video_response": {
"text": "Four weeks at home alone with 2 children has been very tough. Everday seems so long. Breakfast then snacks,lunch and dinner. A constant supply off dishes. The children are bored. I need to go to the supermarket but my daughter had to isolate. We get the basics at the petrol station but certain things we can only get at Tesco or Iceland. At the petrol station the prices are alot higher. Its been alot colder and we need the heating on. The kids get bored and fight alot more. I want to have a bath alone but my son keeps getting in. I want to go to my mums for sunday luch and a bit of help with the kids but we arnt allowed. My daughter really misses her friends and cousins. I am not looking forward to this winter at all.",
"question_share_id": "ffsat5ge2",
"question_title": "What impact will this new lockdown have on you and your family?",
"answers": [
"question": "Do you live in England?",
"text": "No",
"type": "poll",
"created_at": "2020-11-09T10:22:23.888914Z"
"text": "Four weeks at home alone with 2 children has been very tough. Everyday seems so long. Breakfast then snacks, lunch and dinner. A constant supply off dishes. The children are bored. I need to go to the supermarket but my daughter had to isolate. We get the basics at the petrol station but certain things we can only get at Tesco or Iceland. At the petrol station the prices are a lot higher. Its been a lot colder and we need the heating on. The kids get bored and fight a lot more. I want to have a bath alone but my son keeps getting in. I want to go to my mums for Sunday lunch and a bit of help with the kids but we aren't allowed. My daughter really misses her friends and cousins. I am not looking forward to this winter at all.",
"created_at": "2020-11-09T10:31:02.010301Z",
"type": "text",
"question": "What impact have the restrictions been having on you and your family?"
"type": "poll",
"created_at": "2020-11-09T10:31:05.866895Z",
"text": "Yes, please share it",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?"
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"question_thumb": "https://media.videoask.com/transcoded/d28fdca0-2474-4ed6-a47f-34f5b103f7e1/thumbnails/preview.gif"
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"user": "OamokmwnloXsfbn364WZhR54rZi1",
"alias": "Dorothy T",
"random": 16,
"objectID": "jvPTAIuQqrSGYitvMrgA"
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