Q. How do you feel about freedom day, and how will this affect your daily lives?
In mainland England there will be a lessening of restrictions. Over in Northern Ireland we are still having many restrictions. This upsets me in a way as Northern Ireland is part of the UK and why we don’t have the same rules is annoying. It’s the same as the uniform bill which I was highly interviewed on to help make changes and whilst it did in mainland England it didn’t over here. It’s so frustrating.
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"created_at": "2021-07-16T14:37:32.092159Z",
"question": "How do you feel about freedom day, and how will this affect your daily lives?",
"type": "text",
"text": "In mainland England there will be a lessening of restrictions. Over in Northern Ireland we are still having many restrictions. This upsets me in a way as Northern Ireland is part of the UK and why we don’t have the same rules is annoying. It’s the same as the uniform bill which I was highly interviewed on to help make changes and whilst it did in mainland England it didn’t over here. It’s so frustrating."
"created_at": "2021-07-16T14:37:34.837442Z",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
"text": "Yes, please share it",
"type": "poll"
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"text": "In mainland England there will be a lessening of restrictions. Over in Northern Ireland we are still having many restrictions. This upsets me in a way as Northern Ireland is part of the UK and why we don’t have the same rules is annoying. It’s the same as the uniform bill which I was highly interviewed on to help make changes and whilst it did in mainland England it didn’t over here. It’s so frustrating."
"published": 1628088564615,
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"alias": "Charlotte P",
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