It was not really a shock to go back into lockdown as the cases in the area of London we live in has very high numbers of cases. I am terrified of what the future holds I am a single father trying hard to support myself and a 14 year old daughter on a very low income with no financial help from my ex partner. We currently survive on deliveries of food from a food bank as I am afraid to leave home and do not have enough money to buy fresh healthy food. We have had no internet connection since the end of December until today which means my daughter has missed the beginning of online learning and I have had to reduce the speed of our internet package to reduce the cost. I just can't see a way out of the current situation that we are in.
"updated": 1619433709255,
"created": 1610357689404,
"auditedBy": "rOISUynFBNUZFrEibOysifH0R9F2",
"audited": 1628493451097,
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"publishedBy": "rOISUynFBNUZFrEibOysifH0R9F2",
"published": 1628493451097,
"type": "video_response",
"video_response": {
"answers": [
"type": "text",
"question": "What does this new lockdown mean for you?",
"text": "It was not really a shock to go back into lockdown as the cases in the area of London we live in has very high numbers of cases. I am terrified of what the future holds I am a single father trying hard to support myself and a 14 year old daughter on a very low income with no financial help from my ex partner. We currently survive on deliveries of food from a food bank as I am afraid to leave home and do not have enough money to buy fresh healthy food. We have had no internet connection since the end of December until today which means my daughter has missed the beginning of online learning and I have had to reduce the speed of our internet package to reduce the cost. I just can't see a way out of the current situation that we are in.",
"created_at": "2021-01-11T09:34:49.404303Z"
"created_at": "2021-01-11T09:34:53.936209Z",
"type": "poll",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
"text": "Yes, please share it"
"question_share_id": "fui6mi8ds",
"type": "text",
"question_thumb": "",
"question_title": "What does this new lockdown mean for you?",
"mixed": false,
"text": "It was not really a shock to go back into lockdown as the cases in the area of London we live in has very high numbers of cases. I am terrified of what the future holds I am a single father trying hard to support myself and a 14 year old daughter on a very low income with no financial help from my ex partner. we currently survive on deliveries of food from a food bank as I am afraid to leave home and do not have enough money to buy fresh healthy food. we have had no internet connection since the end of December until today which means my daughter has missed the beginning of online learning and I have had to reduce the speed of our internet package to reduce the cost. I just can't see a way out of the current situation that we are in."
"readBy": "AfFOmTZWGrVKbCC0IuLGHYhmlhp2",
"updatedBy": "AfFOmTZWGrVKbCC0IuLGHYhmlhp2",
"user": "NrNXLOJIPRhNneDdm9Dml8gXscp1",
"tags": [
"privacy": 2,
"alias": "Erik J",
"random": 12,
"objectID": "rS1uVVTiaMmFSiX4wyIW"
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