Howie P on 02 February 2021
Q. Have you had any problems in getting tested or self-isolating?

I did have to do a test a few months ago. I work with children and young people in several different settings and so couldn't risk being a "Typhoid Mary" but it did mean that as a Self employed person I just had to take the financial hit of not working. The nest barrier was that the test took a while to arrive in the post and then I have to post it back and and had to get in my van, ill, and drive to a village that actually had a test post box. If it had been the post box in my village, one of my kids could have done it for me. To add to this, the tight time frame from when the test was delivered, meant that the test had to be done and then posted by a cretain time and this unfortunately coincided with the school pick up with parents everywhere in the village but I had no choice but to go and do it or I would miss the post and the test would be invalid. would have missed the post

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