Q. What haven't you told us yet, which feels important to you?
During the period of the lockdown my daughter and myself have really struggled living on benefits, it was not easy before but with the extra cost involved and equipment needed for home schooling it has been a huge pressure on us both. There are so many changes that need to be made so people can lead a reasonable life without the constant worry about money and bills. There needs to be far more free outdoor spaces and activities for young people and families to use in safety without the need to travel to far. Also money wise there needs to be higher payments for those unable to work for any genuine reason so they are not facing a constant struggle to pay bills,buy healthy food and warm clothing. For around two years now I have been wearing clothes that are literally falling apart and we have not had warm winter coats for the colder weather, we are totally unable to put any money aside in order to pay for any unexpected bills. However it is with great thanks that due to being able to take part in this research programme I have now been able to buy us both warm coats ready for winter and the first pair of new shoes my daughter has had for a long time. Thank you so much.
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"created_at": "2021-06-01T12:10:08.981927Z",
"question": "What haven't you told us yet, which feels important to you?",
"text": "During the period of the lockdown my daughter and myself have really struggled living on benefits, it was not easy before but with the extra cost involved and equipment needed for home schooling it has been a huge pressure on us both. There are so many changes that need to be made so people can lead a reasonable life without the constant worry about money and bills. There needs to be far more free outdoor spaces and activities for young people and families to use in safety without the need to travel to far. Also money wise there needs to be higher payments for those unable to work for any genuine reason so they are not facing a constant struggle to pay bills,buy healthy food and warm clothing. For around two years now I have been wearing clothes that are literally falling apart and we have not had warm winter coats for the colder weather, we are totally unable to put any money aside in order to pay for any unexpected bills. However it is with great thanks that due to being able to take part in this research programme I have now been able to buy us both warm coats ready for winter and the first pair of new shoes my daughter has had for a long time. Thank you so much."
"type": "poll",
"text": "Yes, please share it",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
"created_at": "2021-06-01T12:10:16.067733Z"
"question_share_id": "fl1junmsw",
"mixed": false,
"text": "During the period of the lockdown my daughter and myself have really struggled living on benefits, it was not easy before but with the extra cost involved and equipment needed for home schooling it has been a huge pressure on us both. There are so many changes that need to be made so people can lead a reasonable life without the constant worry about money and bills. There needs to be far more free outdoor spaces and activities for young people and families to use in safety without the need to travel to far. Also money wise there needs to be higher payments for those unable to work for any genuine reason so they are not facing a constant struggle to pay bills,buy healthy food and warm clothing. For around two years now I have been wearing clothes that are literally falling apart and we have not had warm winter coats for the colder weather, we are totally unable to put any money aside in order to pay for any unexpected bills.\nHowever it is with great thanks that due to being able to take part in this research program I have now been able to buy us both warm coated ready for winter and the first pair of new shoes my daughter has had for a long time. Thank you so much.",
"question_title": "What haven't you told us yet, which feels important to you?",
"question_thumb": "https://media.videoask.com/transcoded/3b073ed7-e405-409f-b98d-4dd0226e5fa3/thumbnails/preview.gif"
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"published": 1628236718195,
"alias": "Erik J",
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"objectID": "uZkVT7zLujjHwtMGWJQt"
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