Q. What big changes have you gone through in the past year?
I wouldn’t say it was an upheaval but I’ve found the most difficult thing for our family has been adjusting to no baby/toddler groups. It sounds silly but it’s really been our biggest thing holding us back and I have seen the negative effects it’s had on my little one’s social skills.
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"created_at": "2021-04-29T20:11:15.187915Z",
"question": "What big changes have you gone through in the past year?",
"text": "I wouldn’t say it was an upheaval but I’ve found the most difficult thing for our family has been adjusting to no baby/toddler groups. It sounds silly but it’s really been our biggest thing holding us back and I have seen the negative effects it’s had on my little one’s social skills.",
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"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
"text": "Yes, please share it"
"question_title": "What big changes have you gone through in the past year?",
"text": "I wouldn’t say it was an upheaval but I’ve found the most difficult thing for our family has been adjusting to no baby/toddler groups. It sounds silly but it’s really been our biggest thing holding us back and I have seen the negative effects it’s had on my little one’s social skills.",
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