Meg T on 20 November 2020

I must be bonkers. It's 6.30, Friday morning and I'm sat at my keyboard waiting for the Tesco Home Delivery slots - or what's left of them to open for the Christmas week shopping slots. I tried to sign up for the Delivery Saver a few weeks ago, but because I didn't have enough money in my bank account to pay the 6 monthly fee, I was unable to. When I had enough money to do so, they had suspended applications due to the second wave of Covid, so were saving the priority slots for those who are "vulnerable". I telephoned Tesco to advise them of my situation, but still couldn't sign up. The reason - I am currently self isolating for my spinal surgery which has been rearranged after being cancelled twice already due to Covid on 30th November. So I need to stock up for my son and family friend who will be looking after him before I go on. I will then be unable to drive for 6 weeks after - assuming everything goes well, so I need to have my shopping delivered as click and collect will not be an option. I've managed to book a slot a week after my surgery, but I have my son's 16th birthday to prep for as well as Xmas, so it's going to be a bit of a muted affair this year, not that it has ever been extravagant in previous years due to lack of money. The main bright spot is my son in the RAF will be able to come home on leave to assist in my convalescence, which will be wonderful as with my youngest son only being 15 it will be a lot for him to shoulder the burden of being my young carer especially as his low mood has not improved much due to lockdown.

Update - it's 6.50am - I am now in a virtual waiting room. I had logged in quite early, so fingers crossed I can secure a slot.

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