start of lockdown last year was what I see as a violent act towards my home and family, our house was raided and I lost my co parent, my children lost their father, and suddenly we had no support from anywhere. Lockdown was in full swing and I live far from my family and friends at least 60 miles. My car was also arrested and it took me months of stress and debt to get it back. We were virtual prisoners in our own home at that time. I couldn't go out. I'm a disabled single mum of 3, I have paralysis in my right arm. Shopping became a nightmare with young kids, no car and a disability. I was totally on my own and I've never experienced isolation quite like it. My mums cancer returned making the situation worse. It means I haven't seen my parents for 6 months now. Mentally it's so draining. It's easier now but last summer I was a zombie, I would never have a second to myself, constantly on the go being a parents during my waking hours and sleeping with the children only to wake up and face the same groundhog day of isolation and house imprisonment.