Charlotte P on 01 March 2021
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Q. How would you describe your life, and how do you feel about it?
I would describe my life as very centred around my 2 children at present. It is noisy and we are in the house more. After having Covid I am concerned of ever getting it again as it was the worst illness I have ever had. I think Covid has changed my life and made me more wary and anxious. Living through another lockdown has been difficult especially during the winter months. On the positive side I am enjoying the nicer weather and it is great for all 3 of us to get outdoors and go for long walks and do something simple like throw stones into the river on our river walk. I feel that I don't have time for me any more and it is difficult as a single mother getting and space. It is almost like I have company every day and the house is full of noise but it is also very lonely going through another lockdown which has now been extended. I miss seeing my friends and having adult company. I have been really strict about my bubble in the fear of catching Covid again so I know that's put a strain on me seeing any other adults apart from those in my bubble. The fact I don't drive makes seeing others more difficult and whilst not being able to drive never bothered me before during lockdown it is annoying me. I just hope that the restrictions are lifted soon so I can see other adults as I am also as important as my children.
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