They’re still trying to decide in Northern Ireland what they’re going to do. Seems to be less and less people here paying attention to the lockdown and that’s what is keeping it spreading I think. I’m honestly sick to the back teeth of it. I’ve always worried about getting locked down in January because I’m already depressed in January every year. This is going to add to it.
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"user": "qIiCHLqwAGZclMBlgXEs8tlSEAs2",
"updatedBy": "AfFOmTZWGrVKbCC0IuLGHYhmlhp2",
"privacy": 2,
"type": "video_response",
"tags": [
"updated": 1619442593370,
"video_response": {
"text": "They’re still trying to decide in Northern Ireland what they’re going to do. Seems to be less and less people here paying attention to the lockdown and that’s what is keeping it spreading I think. I’m honestly sick to the back teeth of it. I’ve always worried about getting locked down in January because I’m already depressed in January every year. This is going to add to it.",
"mixed": false,
"answers": [
"created_at": "2021-01-06T14:02:16.679516Z",
"text": "They’re still trying to decide in Northern Ireland what they’re going to do. Seems to be less and less people here paying attention to the lockdown and that’s what is keeping it spreading I think. I’m honestly sick to the back teeth of it. I’ve always worried about getting locked down in January because I’m already depressed in January every year. This is going to add to it.",
"type": "text",
"question": "What does this new lockdown mean for you?"
"type": "poll",
"created_at": "2021-01-06T14:02:21.482699Z",
"text": "Yes, please share it",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?"
"question_thumb": "",
"question_title": "What does this new lockdown mean for you?",
"question_share_id": "fui6mi8ds",
"type": "text"
"publishedBy": "rOISUynFBNUZFrEibOysifH0R9F2",
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"created": 1609941736679,
"published": 1628501191356,
"readBy": "AfFOmTZWGrVKbCC0IuLGHYhmlhp2",
"alias": "Paige E",
"random": 61,
"objectID": "Mx6RU8AMm9CNYDTrKhw6"
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