Q. How has your daily parenting been affected by lockdown, and how are you coping with any changes?
Oh we’re falling apart here.
My children need so much from me, and we’re trying to support them through pandemic schooling and living under the restrictions. They’re struggling.
And I want to be the best I can be for them.
But I’m struggling too.
I don’t have the reserves to parent them they way I want to. They are being changed and scarred by this pandemic. They are watching their parents fall apart. They’re scared.
And I’m scared for them.
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"video_response": {
"question_title": "How has your daily parenting been affected by lockdown, and how are you coping with any changes?",
"text": "Oh we’re falling apart here. \nMy children need so much from me, and we’re trying to support them through pandemic schooling and living under the restrictions. They’re struggling. \nAnd I want to be the best I can be for them.\nBut I’m struggling too.\nI don’t have the reserves to parent them they way I want to. They are being changed and scarred by this pandemic. They are watching their parents fall apart. They’re scared.\nAnd I’m scared for them.",
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"created_at": "2021-01-31T17:35:20.020517Z",
"text": "Oh we’re falling apart here. \nMy children need so much from me, and we’re trying to support them through pandemic schooling and living under the restrictions. They’re struggling. \nAnd I want to be the best I can be for them.\nBut I’m struggling too.\nI don’t have the reserves to parent them they way I want to. They are being changed and scarred by this pandemic. They are watching their parents fall apart. They’re scared.\nAnd I’m scared for them.",
"question": "How has your daily parenting been affected by lockdown, and how are you coping with any changes?"
"type": "poll",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
"created_at": "2021-01-31T17:35:22.805614Z",
"text": "Yes, please share it"
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