Charlotte P on 11 August 2020

I've had a great week this week. Cocid has shown me how generous people are. I've a friend with the same name as myself. I've known her since I was 11. We've became closer since Covid-19. she works but is being catapulted onto Universal Credit. she is away up North of Ireland for a trip with her daughter and she posted her key through my door. Although she only lives around the corner from me she has asked me to use her apartment while she is away. My son is 6 and he claims he is staying at an 'Aparthotel'. My daughter is loving having Wi-Fi as apparently I am a 'Cave woman' for not having it. I've never known such generosity and kindness. I've had quite negative experiences of Covid and UC but this one has to be the best and most positive I've had and my kids think they are on their jollies

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