Covid has effected my mental health in a bad way I seem to spend my entire life worrying about everything how I'm going to manage money wise how I'm going to entertain my two young children while I can't take them any where. I'm lonely and even though I was quite isolated before all of this I'm now completely isolated from everyone bar my partner and kids I care about. I've not been able to see my older son for over 9 months because my mum has to shield and that's where he lives so that's absolutely ruined my life
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"text": "Covid has effected my mental health in a bad way I seem to spend my entire life worrying about everything how I'm going to manage money wise how I'm going to entertain my two young children while I can't take them any where. I'm lonely and even though I was quite isolated before all of this I'm now completely isolated from everyone bar my partner and kids I care about. I've not been able to see my older son for over 9 months because my mum has to shield and that's where he lives so that's absolutely ruined my life",
"type": "text",
"question": "How has COVID-19 impacted your mental health?",
"created_at": "2020-11-26T14:28:14.508360Z"
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
"text": "Yes, please share it",
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