Q. What haven't you told us yet, which feels important to you?
That life has changed since the Covid started. Was looking at going back to work but that has been pushed back for now. Have a son that was born before Covid but has not had much to do and not seen his grandparents since was 4 months old. It will be nice to travel again. Relationships have been difficult due to Covid.
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"text": "That life has changed since the Covid started. Was looking at going back to work but that has been pushed back for know. Have a son that was born before covid but has not had much to do and not soon his grandparents since was 4 months old. It be nice to travel again. Relationship have been difficulty due covid.",
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"text": "That life has changed since the Covid started. Was looking at going back to work but that has been pushed back for now. Have a son that was born before Covid but has not had much to do and not seen his grandparents since was 4 months old. It will be nice to travel again. Relationships have been difficult due to Covid.",
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"created_at": "2021-06-16T09:32:37.950032Z",
"question": "What haven't you told us yet, which feels important to you?"
"type": "poll",
"created_at": "2021-06-16T09:32:44.310150Z",
"text": "Yes, please share it",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?"
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"alias": "Maisie L",
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