Fiona T on 22 May 2021

I've spent this morning feeling low since waking up. There doesn't seem to be any hope in the air about when things will normalise again. I started taking a sleeping medication yesterday to help calm my anxiety. I have constant thoughts like when will we feel more free? Nothing feels in our control anymore. I cancelled the small holiday we had booked many months ago in anticipation of being able to go away. I've lost the money for this as I thought international travel would resume from May 17th. I really feel like a change of scenery would help my mental health but I don't know if or when that will happen. Society feels so restricted and its becoming normalised that we simply cannot do things we took for granted before. My children have lived through such a strange time and in a way I'm thankful they will not remember it as they are too young, and I'm jealous I won't be able to forget it too. I hope and pray better days are ahead.

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