Q. Have you had to change your plans because of the announcements?
We’d already decided that we thought the Christmas bubbles were ridiculous so had decided to spend Christmas at home. Keeping the older people in our family safe was much more important to us. All in all it works out better for us. We don’t have to travel, and we can do everything our way.
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"video_response": {
"text": "We’d already decided that we thought the Christmas bubbles were ridiculous so had decided to spend Christmas at home. Keeping the older people in our family safe was much more important to us. All in all it works out better for us. We don’t have to travel, and we can do everything our way.",
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"question_share_id": "fcxi7dfov",
"question_title": "Have you had to change your plans because of the announcements?",
"answers": [
"question": "Have you had to change your plans because of the announcements?",
"text": "We’d already decided that we thought the Christmas bubbles were ridiculous so had decided to spend Christmas at home. Keeping the older people in our family safe was much more important to us. All in all it works out better for us. We don’t have to travel, and we can do everything our way.",
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"created_at": "2021-01-09T14:42:41.614389Z"
"created_at": "2021-01-09T14:42:42.985331Z",
"type": "poll",
"text": "Yes, please share it",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?"
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"audited": 1628494455935,
"alias": "Nellie K",
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