Well on Sunday came the email I was waiting for one of the children’s schools has a case of covid-19 and two classes were affected and yes you got it one was my 7 year olds class so that’s him locked down in isolation till 19th of October. In the letter it said our child must do school work for the two weeks, join Zoom every morning and collect work the next day from school, if your in receipt of free school meals we will be in touch to arrange food parcels and the collection of a chrome book. Well yet again this doesn’t apply to us as we get a little working tax credit.
My 7 year old has additional needs he has a my support plan which I expect will be in the end an EHCP, he has been on the waiting list over a year for an ADHD assessment. This two week isolation has turned his little world upside down he can’t concentrate the change in routine is killing him and trying to get him to do his work is like trying to get blood from a stone, impossible. Trying to make him understand why he isn’t allowed out when his siblings can is another story!
On the first day one of my friends took her daughter all over shopping I reported this to school and made sure she had enough food in for the next two weeks and have delivered her two parcels from the unofficial food bank I run. This lady is a single parent on universal credit, has a post office account not a bank account and can’t online shop...it did make me wonder how on earth are people like her supposed to stay home a full 14 days as her child isn’t to go out! Is she expected to leave her child home alone or expected to starve... These rules/laws are in place but there is no government package to help and support families with not very many people to depend upon.