Lois N on 25 April 2021
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Q. What big changes have you gone through in the past year?
Nice to see you! I’ve not been here for a few weeks as I couldn’t face sharing anything. My sister died, 6/5/20. There is a lengthy inquest into her death and our family (broader family) has collapsed because of it and that we could not be together to share our grief. It has affected us all significantly, but, I only know my own experience, and those of my nieces and nephew. They have been devastated. Ages 14, 28, 32... My nephew takes care of my youngest niece who has SEN. I take care of ALL the paperwork and organising EHCP’s and the inquest information etc. It has placed a division where we were actually already rocky and that is so sad. It’s equally quite liberating so I’ve struggled with balancing those emotions. The inquest is exhausting and it is an absolutely shocking experience in terms of what goes unreported and how much there is buried in terms of blaming mistakes and deaths on COVID. I have lost a lot of faith in our political systems, our hierarchy of monetary power, and, our judicial system in this country. Currently, I am feeling that I have split myself to cope, and that does not feel healthy for me.
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