I'm answering the question about are my children going back to school?
According to the two schools they go to (we have a 3 tier system here, so one is in middle school, the other in high school - they are in years 8 and 9) my girls will not return until 18th Jan and there will be home schooling before then.
Neither coped very well in the last Lockdown with their schooling - the good weather didn't help either. And I am determined not to let them suffer this time round with missing out on more of their education (I'm sure they will thank me for it later). I share my girls with their mother 50-50, so I am going to take annual leave on the days I have them with me, to make sure they get the online schooling done.
Both girls remember that last time they went in to lockdown, our "glorious" prime minister said it was only for 2 weeks. They are both hoping he will be as wrong as he was then. I sincerely hope not because without them being able to get out to see friends or go to cinemas etc, they will suffer in a longer lockdown.