We have had to self isolate twice now. I think my biggest worry was that the energy bills would increase and that online shopping is more expensive from the supermarkets that deliver compared to the discount supermarket I usually go to.
I noticed my children did find it quite difficult especially if I was working from home too. However it made me get a bit creative and do some craft projects that we had in the house and never had time for before and they were a really bonding experiences for us.
My mental health took a real hammering during self isolation though, the loneliness felt crippling despite phone calls and video calls from friends and family.
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"video_response": {
"answers": [
"created_at": "2020-10-30T12:57:35.780928Z",
"text": "We have had to self isolate twice now. I think my biggest worry was that the energy bills would increase and that online shopping is more expensive from the supermarkets that deliver compared to the discount supermarket I usually go to.\nI noticed my children did find it quite difficult especially if I was working from home too. However it made me get a bit creative and do some craft projects that we had in the house and never had time for before and they were a really bonding experiences for us.\nMy mental health took a real hammering during self isolation though, the loneliness felt crippling despite phone calls and video calls from friends and family.",
"question": "How have you been managing in self-isolation?",
"type": "text"
"type": "poll",
"question": "Can we make your entry public and anonymous?",
"text": "Yes, please share it",
"created_at": "2020-10-30T12:57:38.958302Z"
"question_share_id": "f3i335dx0",
"question_thumb": "https://media.videoask.com/transcoded/ba90c36a-e1de-41c2-bc20-ff7f40cf520e/thumbnails/preview.gif",
"text": "We have had to self isolate twice now. I think my biggest worry was that the energy bills would increase and that online shopping is more expensive from the supermarkets that deliver compared to the discount supermarket I usually go to.\nI noticed my children did find it quite difficult especially if I was working from home too. However it made me get a bit creative and do some craft projects that we had in the house and never had time for before and they were a really bonding experiences for us.\nMy mental health took a real hammering during self isolation though, the loneliness felt crippling despite phone calls and video calls from friends and family.",
"type": "text",
"mixed": false,
"question_title": "How have you been managing in self-isolation?"
"publishedBy": "rOISUynFBNUZFrEibOysifH0R9F2",
"created": 1604062655780,
"id": "3PLufsSBdeStg1k7CWKw",
"tags": [
"alias": "Danni M",
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